Tag Archives: traditional methods

Tablets Are Ready for the Classroom

tablet use in classroomAs the world evolves towards greater and more advanced digitization, so do the methods of imparting education. Gone are the days when a student had no option but to carry around bulky and heavy backpacks with textbooks, notepads, and/or laptops. The use of tablets in the classrooms is a great substitute to the traditional methods of teaching, for it provides a dynamic and interactive learning experience, allows for the teacher to manage the classroom more efficiently, generates students’ interest in learning, trains them to be technologically competent, and is even more cost effective.

In schools that use traditional methods of teaching, it is a common occurrence that students lose their concentration during the lectures, since a human brain cannot grasp unending, monotonous lessons from a speaker. If the class is creative and interactive, the likelihood of grasping the attention of students increases by a great margin. The chances of a student participating in a lecture shoot up, instead of merely being a listener or an observer.

This is where the use of tablets in the classroom is a great boon, as it has been hailed as being creative and effective. The multimedia nature of learning using tablets in the classroom helps students learn and engage in subjects. For e.g., would you rather read dry text on a subject, when you can watch videos, or listen to audios on the same? Using tablets, a student can tap into virtual classrooms provided by an expert, no matter the geographical distance.

With the advancement in technology, the right classroom management ideas move the lectures from the blackboard to the virtual whiteboard, which comes with dynamic add-ons. At the tap of a finger, a student can be introduced to various topics in the form of text, pictures, audios and videos, providing students with a global perspective.

The use of tablets enables students to learn using 3D models and illustrations, which help you in explaining different concepts much more effectively. Studies show, that students are more likely to get better grades, and show a deeper understanding of subjects using this new method as compared to the traditional methods of learning. The teachers also have greater resources at their disposal to act as their teaching aides, also providing for easy evaluation methods.

While talking about using tablets in the classroom, one of the main concerns that might come up is the distraction that a tablet can bring with it. For example, what if students surf social media sites or restricted sites and play games rather than concentrating on the lessons that are taught?

This is where the best classroom management ideas come into picture.

One can use a software where the teachers have administrative access to all the tablets, the power to monitor the activities of every student, and even remotely lock their screen. Allowing tablets in the classroom does not imply that students would have unmonitored use of the Internet.

It is a great step in the evolving world of education, where knowledge, information, and learning meet creativity, interaction, and collaboration.

Although, tablets can make learning a lot more interesting and fun, if the right management technology’s not used, it can lead to significant problems. The ability of teacher with remote access and control over the students’ tablets will definitely ensure discipline. This is why it is of great importance to choose the best classroom management ideas.

In today’s times, technology has gone a long way and so the ideal thing to do is to embrace and adapt to the changing winds of technology. It is highly recommended and definitely worth looking through the available classroom management ideas and pick the one that fits your requirements the best, while the world moves towards smart digitalized education.